Monday, November 12, 2012

Post-election grumblings

I don't know about you, but my parents never discussed politics and NEVER told us for whom they were voting. It was like a sacred secret, and I still keep my ballot choices to myself to this day. Now, almost everyone seems not only to have an opinion which they proudly and loudly display on FB and elsewhere, and the discourse is anything but civil from most of what I've read. Since I first began voting after high school, I don't recall an election so divisive and scurrilous as that which we just experienced. I just read in the news that people in 15 states have filed to secede from the United States. And Tom Head, a Texas Judge, predicts a possible civil war among the states. God forbid. We are each entitled to our opinion. But when did this sense of entitlement lead to such rage, such vituperation, such vile polarization that people would go to such lengths as this? We are not red states and blue states. We are the United States. I for one am appalled and, I might add, a little scared, to consider any other option than reconcilliation and unity.