Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is your child engaged or enraged?

We've seen with horror in Chardon, Ohio how one enraged child in an instant could cause so much trauma which rippled out quickly into the community. Imagine how much good could come from one "engaged" child... engaged in family life, engaged in school/ community service/ church. We need to have deep conversations with our kids when they seem down, lost, struggling. One child can make such a difference.

This usually begins with one adult noticing when something is off with a child and getting involved quickly in her/his life.

Friday, February 3, 2012

But everyone else does it

As many of you know, former Cuyahoga County Commissioner Jimmy Dimora is standing trial for a host of crimes. He is quoted as saying, "I only did what everyone else is doing." That's the defense that most fourth graders use when trying to wiggle out of a consequence.

Whether found innocent or guilty, Dimora and his cronies need to re-learn what their parents tried to teach them as children. Be your own person. Tell the truth. Think for yourself. Don't cheaat others. Play fair. Develop a conscience.